What's the Process


Sign Up

Store contacts and track donations from guests automatically.


send link

Place it in text messages, emails, social media posts, etc.


collect info

Using your unique contact form guests provide their contact information & can make a donation.


it's done

Your guest list is complete & you got donations along the way.

Why this helps:

Save time & money

Our tool will save you lots of time by gathering addresses quickly & save you money by allowing your guests to make donations.

Send Stunning Save The Dates

Announce the big day with stunning Save the Date Cards all properly named & addressed from your guest list.
Optional: Request a custom design at no additional cost.

Send Elegant Wedding Invitations

Wow your family & friends with elegant Wedding Invitations all properly named and addressed from your guest list.
Optional: Request a custom design at no additional cost.

Finish Thank You Cards

Save time, eliminate hand cramps, personalize messages, and get them sent out quickly using our unique thank you card tool.